Category: JavaScript
Calling APIs from Javascript/Node.js
This is one of the most common things nowadays developers are doing more than before. Raise of Microservices based architecture and distributed software development needs more inter-service communication i.e more codes for API consuming stuff, sometimes more than actual business logic. It is good that business logic coding is now less redundant. Consuming API with…
Make jQuery colorbox plugin responsive
Use jQuery colorbox lightbox plugin in responsive design with some native colorbox options jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(“.inline-sales”).colorbox({ inline:true, maxWidth: “90%”, onComplete : function() { jQuery(this).colorbox.resize(); } }); // resize colorbox on screen rotate in mobile devices and set to cover 90% of screen jQuery(window).resize(function() { jQuery.colorbox.resize({width:”90%”}); }); });
Scroll to top button without any additional jquery plugins
jQuery(‘#back-to-top’).bind(‘click’, function () { var item_top = jQuery(“body”).offset().top; jQuery(“body”).animate({scrollTop:item_top}, 1000); });